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Invisalign – Manchester, NH

Straighten Your Smile With Ease

A clear aligner resting on a carrying case.

Do you find it impossible to ignore your crooked or gapped teeth? Would you prefer to straighten them without having to wear metal braces for years on end? Thankfully, there is a treatment out there that might just be perfect for you. Invisalign in Manchester utilizes a series of clear aligners to carefully and precisely shift teeth into a straighter position. With this treatment, you can make your smile look more attractive, make at-home oral hygiene easier to perform, and achieve these goals in even less time compared to traditional braces. Call Fromuth & Langlois Dental of Manchester today to schedule your first Invisalign consultation with our experienced dentists!

Why Choose Fromuth & Langlois Dental of Manchester for Invisalign?

How Does Invisalign Work?

A pair of clear aligners resting on a table

Invisalign uses a series of clear aligners to gently shift teeth into a straighter and healthier position. Each pair is customized to represent a different stage of your realignment process. After you’ve worn your aligners for a set period of time, generally about 22 hours per day over the next two weeks, you can move on to the next pair in the series until you’ve worn every pair. We ask that you come to our office every six weeks or so in order to confirm that your teeth are shifting as planned.

Benefits of Choosing Invisalign

A woman smiling and holding a clear aligner.

By choosing Invisalign to shift teeth, you can easily maintain many of your current dental habits and achieve a straighter smile in the process. For example, the clear aligners are removable, which means they can be taken out when they need to be cleaned and when practicing brushing and flossing. Furthermore, you can enjoy the same foods you did before beginning treatment. Treatment also takes just 6 to 12 months on average to complete.

Are You a Candidate for Invisalign?

A dentist performing an oral exam.

If you have mild to moderate levels of misalignment to address and healthy gum tissue, you’re likely to be an eligible candidate for Invisalign. With it, we can remove a variety of dental issues, including crooked or rotated teeth, gaps, and overcrowding. Keep in mind that more serious forms of misalignment may need to be addressed by other forms of treatment. Our dentists will make sure to perform a detailed exam to confirm if Invisalign is the right treatment for you.

Understanding the Cost of Invisalign

Money and dental tools representing the cost of Invisalign in Manchester

The cost of your Invisalign treatment will depend on a number of factors, including how many aligners you’ll need to achieve your ideal results, the severity of your orthodontic issues, and whether you’re compliant with your treatment. Based on these, we’ll provide you with a treatment estimate so you know what to expect cost-wise. We also offer discounts on Invisalign, which we’ll be happy to discuss with you during your consultation! Read on as we cover more important information about the cost of Invisalign in Manchester.

Factors that Affect the Cost of Invisalign

dentist and patient discussing cost of Invisalign in Manchester

There are three main factors that will play a key role in influencing the cost of your Invisalign treatment, including:

  • Number of aligners needed. The more aligners needed to achieve your desired results, the more expensive your treatment will be.
  • Severity of your orthodontic issues. As you may suspect, the more pronounced your orthodontic issues are, the higher the cost of your treatment will be.
  • Your willingness to stick to the treatment plan. How well you take care of your aligners (specifically when it comes to not losing or breaking them) and how often you meet your 20–22-hour wear time will influence the cost of your Invisalign treatment.

Invisalign VS Smile Direct Club™: Which Costs More?

Closeup of affordable clear aligners in Manchester

While comparing prices of orthodontic treatment, you may have discovered that mail-in aligner services like the Smile Direct Club™ cost significantly less than Invisalign. These DIY treatments claim to offer the smile of your dreams at a lower cost and without needing to step foot inside a dentist’s office. Unfortunately, like many things that sound too good to be true, there are many drawbacks to this kind of treatment. In fact, Smile Direct Club™ has numerous complaints filed against them for causing worse orthodontic issues than when patients started their treatment. So, while saving money on mail-in aligner services may sound tempting, you’ll save your peace of mind knowing that your smile is in the hands of a professional like Dr. Fromuth.

Does Dental Insurance Cover Invisalign?

paperwork for dental insurance coverage for Invisalign in Manchester

When considering dental insurance coverage for Invisalign in Manchester, it’s important to keep in mind that benefits vary from policy to policy. Not all insurance plans offer coverage for orthodontic services, and even of those that do, not all will cover Invisalign specifically. You’ll need to review the details of your policy or contact your insurance provider to learn more about your specific benefits. Additionally, our front desk staff is here and ready to help you maximize your benefits, so don’t hesitate to give us a call.

Options for Making Invisalign Affordable

Smiling patient holding aligners after paying for Invisalign in Manchester

Dental insurance isn’t your option when it comes to making Invisalign affordable. We’ve partnered with CareCredit, a third-party financing company, to help break up the cost of your treatment. With one of CareCredit’s low- to no-interest plans, qualifying patients can gradually pay for their Invisalign treatment in manageable monthly payments.

Invisalign FAQs

Woman with Invisalign in Manchester smiling on a red background

Invisalign is a great teeth straightening option, but you want to be well informed to determine whether or not it is the best treatment for you. Here are the answers to some of the most common questions we are asked about Invisalign clear aligners. If your question isn’t listed below, give us a call or schedule a consultation, and we’d be happy to get the information you’re looking for.

What Does Invisalign Look Like?

Invisalign aligners are designed with clear plastic. While they are visible when outside of the mouth, they become difficult to detect once you are wearing them. With proper maintenance, Invisalign aligners can be kept stain-free and virtually invisible! Unlike traditional braces, there are no metal brackets and wires involved. In some cases, patients need attachments, buttons, or elastics to help with the alignment process, but other than that, no one will even be able to tell that you’re wearing them!

Does Invisalign Hurt?

Invisalign is not a painful process, and it is considered to be more comfortable than traditional braces because there are no sharp brackets or wires involved. When you first get your aligners, there will be a period of adjustment. You might experience some soreness or discomfort, but it should go away as you become more accustomed to them. Pressure is also common whenever you switch to a new set of aligners. Fortunately, any discomfort can be managed with a cold compress and over-the-counter pain relievers.

Is Invisalign Cheaper than Braces?

The cost of both traditional braces and Invisalign varies significantly based on your individual smile. There are numerous factors that contribute to the overall total. Most of the time, Invisalign costs about the same as tradition braces, but variables like oral health, commitment to the treatment plan, and the severity of your misalignment issues will influence the overall price. Many dental insurance plans offer at least partial coverage for Invisalign, so it’s important that you check with your provider ahead of time so you know what to expect.

How Is Invisalign Made?

The Invisalign process requires a series of clear aligners that are made from smooth plastic. The whole set of aligners are manufactured by an advanced 3D printing process before getting shipped to the practice. The aligners are made with the digital impressions that we provide and they usually take about 3-4 weeks to fabricate. We will give you a call as soon as they are ready!

Who Is a Candidate for Invisalign?

During your initial consultation, we’ll be looking for a few key factors to see if you’re a good candidate for Invisalign. Firstly, Invisalign isn’t recommended for children under the age of 13. However, there is no upper age limit! Additionally, a good candidate for Invisalign will be committed enough to their treatment to wear their aligners for 20-22 hours a day. More forgetful teens may be better suited for non-removable orthodontics. Finally, the severity of your orthodontic issue will determine if Invisalign is right for you. While severe cases are still best treated with traditional braces, Invisalign can help most patients overcome mild to moderate orthodontic issues.

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